Template funtions for CCC
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Some usefull template funtions for Cisco Catalyst Center / DNAc / DNA Center.
{# Function to convert IP/(CIDR|MASK) or IP,(CIDR|MASK) to the network adress If IP/(CIDR1|MASK1),(CIDR2|MASK2) then (CIDR2|MASK2) is used. The MASK can contain holes, like #} {%- macro ip_to_net(ip__cidr_or_mask, cidr_or_mask) -%} {%- set ip = ip__cidr_or_mask.split('[/]')[0] -%} {%- set ip_parts = ip.split('[.]') -%} {%- if cidr_or_mask is not defined -%} {%- set cidr_or_mask = ip__cidr_or_mask.split('[/]')[1] -%} {%- endif -%} {%- set subnet_masks = [ [0,0,0,0], [128,0,0,0], [192,0,0,0], [224,0,0,0], [240,0,0,0], [248,0,0,0], [252,0,0,0], [254,0,0,0], [255,0,0,0], [255,128,0,0], [255,192,0,0], [255,224,0,0], [255,240,0,0], [255,248,0,0], [255,252,0,0], [255,254,0,0], [255,255,0,0], [255,255,128,0], [255,255,192,0], [255,255,224,0], [255,255,240,0], [255,255,248,0], [255,255,252,0], [255,255,254,0], [255,255,255,0], [255,255,255,128], [255,255,255,192], [255,255,255,224], [255,255,255,240], [255,255,255,248], [255,255,255,252], [255,255,255,254], [255,255,255,255] ] -%} {%- if cidr_or_mask | int(-1) != -1 -%} {%- set mask_parts = subnet_masks[cidr_or_mask] -%} {%- else -%} {%- set mask_parts = cidr_or_mask.split('[.]') -%} {%- endif -%} {%- set result = [] -%} {%- for i in range(0, 4) -%} {%- set result_parts = ip_parts[i] | int // ( 256 - mask_parts[i] | int ) * ( 256 - mask_parts[i] | int ) -%} {%- do result.append(result_parts) -%} {%- endfor -%} {{result | join('.')}} {%- endmacro -%} {# Function to check if IP is ( NET/(CIDR|MASK) or NET,(CIDR|MASK) ) If NET/(CIDR1|MASK1),(CIDR2|MASK2) then (CIDR2|MASK2) is used. The MASK can contain holes, like #} {%- macro ip_in_net(ip, net, cidr_or_mask) -%} {%- set ip = ip.split('[/]')[0] -%} {%- if cidr_or_mask is not defined -%} {%- set cidr_or_mask = net.split('[/]')[1] -%} {%- endif -%} {%- set net = net.split('[/]')[0] -%} {%- if ip_to_net(ip,cidr_or_mask) == ip_to_net(net,cidr_or_mask) -%} True {%- endif -%} {%- endmacro -%}